Refurbishing a PowerMac 6100/60 – final steps and showcase

To give you some perspective, below you can see the pictures of the before and after. Then, you can follow up watching the videos. Enjoy!

In the previous video, you see that there seems to be an issue when powering up the 6100. Basically, upon first power on, it didn’t display any image and didn’t do anything. Just halted. If I powered it down and up again, it then booted, but right after it start loading the extensions, it rebooted by itself and, only then, it proceeded to a full successful boot. Of course I wasn’t happy with this situation, and I was suspecting the lack of a CMOS battery could be the cause of this. So, I ordered a new 3.6v 1/2AA battery from Amazon and installed it as soon as it arrived, yesterday. Not surprisingly, the Mac started working as expected upon first boot try.

You can check this out in the below video.